From May 26th to 30th, 2024

Havana, Varadero, Cuba.


Deadline for abstract submissions

May 1st, 2024


May 28th in the afternoon (15:00 to 17:00)

STONY CORAL TISSUE LOSS DISEASE (SCTLD) is a highly lethal disease that has devastated coral reefs throughout Florida and the wider Caribbean in recent years. First detected off Miami’s coast in 2014, the disease affects many important reef-building coral species and has high rates of mortality. Indeed, once infected corals begin to lose living tissue, many will die within weeks to months without active intervention. Experts believe this may be the most lethal coral disease ever recorded. While extensive efforts are now underway to treat sick corals, understand the disease’s origins, rescue coral diversity, and restore reefs, more needs to be done if we are to protect the region’s remaining reefs and ensure they are resilient and sustainable for future generations. This is the reason that we decided to organize a satellite symposia on May 28th in the afternoon (15:00 to 17:00) as part of BioAqua 2024 to exchange about this important disease and possible contribution of scientific community to mitigate its impact.